Saturday 19 November 2011

Forever remembered, unthando olungapheliyo, Forever inspired.

I cannot believe it is my last full day in South Africa. It seems like only yesterday I was crying in the Airport to my dad because I was so nervous to leave. Now here I sit 6 weeks in, and I am flying home tomorrow. I have truly learned so much from this adventure of mine. I have met so many wonderful students and have met some amazing friends. Now I have to go back to real life and I am really not ready. These children have just touched my soul so much that I am so sad to leave.
When I had to say my good byes on Friday I was so torn. When I had 5 minutes of the day left I just started to cry. The class I was with some hugged me good bye and Sofia and Roddy tried to make me stop crying but it was too late, I am not ready to leave these kids and my emotions got the best of me. One of the students went up to Claire and asked why I was crying. They do not know how much joy they have brought my heart just by being with them.
One of my grade 6 boy’s and I were talking on Friday, we talked about how exams are going and why I am going home. Then I asked him about is he excited for grade 7. He looked at me and said “ Teacher next year I am going to study so much, so I will not fail. I will not be a failure I want to make it to high school.” When I heard that I almost broke down. I was so very proud of him at that moment because you could see how much making it to high school meant to him.
Then the little girl I have been with every break and been with after school, my dear friend Bopananpng when I had to say good bye to her it was so hard. It will be hard for me to not have her lovely face to brighten up my days anymore.
It is still not sinking in that tomorrow I will be on a plane home, I am really not ready to leave. I thought I was but I am not. In these past 6 weeks I feel like I have grown so much and that I learned so much about life and what is taken for granted and what I can do to make a difference in someone’s life.
I will never forget my time here, and I will keep what I have learned to inspire me to make a positive difference in my life.
Forever remembered, unthando olungapheliyo, Forever inspired.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Forever remembered, forever loved

Another day in South Africa and sadly I am sick and at home. But for myself only to be sick for 3 days in one in a half months I think I am doing pretty well. We got a full house now, we have 3 new roommates. Claire, Natasha & Josh, they are all very nice and its going to be good to have the numbers for when we do athletics. We did start athletics yesterday, and a few of the kids actually knew about relay which was the station Josh and I were at. The children really seemed to like the relay, and a few of the children actually had the proper techniques down. It just shows that some people are just made to participate in certain sports.
Most of the children yesterday were so well behaved, but with having a high jump mat outside kind of was an open invitation for children to jump on it and not listen. Later in the afternoon we had the grade ones’ who speak very very little English not wanting to leave the high jump mat. So then other children not in our lessons joined in too. It was kind of crazy but when I think back when I was that young if I saw a mat I would go running for it.
My favorite part of yesterday was when I went out and hung out with the children at break. There was this one little girl who was following me around. When it started raining she started to use me as a shield to stay away from the rain. I went down to her level and her face was just covered in the Sugar bags dye ( Similar to pixie sticks) she gave me a hug and tried to talk to me in English the best she could. All the sudden she went to grab my hand and that when I realized she was missing 6 fingers. This other little girl came up and we started to dance, they were singing in Xhosa. Then they were teaching me some games and songs. The girls just totally just lifted my heart, everything I was dwelling on earlier and all the stress I carried was gone from these two little girls.
Im sad to think I only have 7 days left with them, I really do not know what I am going to do when I get home. Where the world is just ruled by technology and children are starting to forget how to play. Everyone here think these children are so disadvantaged and feel sorry for them. Yes in ways they have a disadvantage life, but these are some of the happiest children I have ever seen. They all want to learn, not just sports but math, English, and so much more. The children always ask about the afternoon workshops that the gvi teachers host. The workshops are just another fun class, the children learn so much and they want to learn, they are not being pushed by anyone to go. They are pushing themselves to gain more knowledge. School is not taken for granted here, school and getting an education is a privilege.
Being here has brought up so many questions in my life. So many thoughts run threw my head all day and all night. All I can think of is that I am so grateful for my life, even when times are hard and I am sick at the end of the day I have a family that loves me endlessly, I have an education, I have my health even though it might be a rough one I still have the option of living a normal life because the country I live in. I have freedom, I have the opportunities to work, I have the right to vote. There are so many things I do have, and it is really not the material things that matter.
There are so many things that I take for granted and I have not realized it fully till now, the sad part is I still probably will not see how many things I take for granted. But coming to work with these children, and learn about their culture and themselves has had a life changing effect on me. I will miss them so much when I leave, but there will be not forgetting them & this experience.
Forever remembered, forever loved
The children of ACJ Primary School

Saturday 5 November 2011

Good Times in South Africa

Halloween Social Night. The zombie hosts. Sofia, Myself, & Julia

From the Safari
The African skys that I have fallen in love with. So breath taking

My Gvi family. I love these ladies so much, had so many amazing times with them. Cindy, Myself, Amy, Pat, & Cheryl

My Students From ACJ

These children are some of the most sweetest children I have ever met. They have had such a large effect on me in the 4 weeks I have been here. They make me so proud every time I see them completing a new challenge we set everyday in class. They way they all want to do their best for the 30 minutes they have a week just touches my heart. They always have a smile on their face and a song in their heart. I care for them all so much and it will be so hard to leave here in 2 weeks. I am not ready to leave them, dont think I could ever be ready to leave them.