Tuesday 25 October 2011

Week 2.25

Its been an interesting past few days to say the least. I will update you on school then my great weekend.
The past few days at work have been playing soccer and its been so amazing, the kids tried so hard and it was so much fun to reff and coach because you could see how much fun they were having. A lot of the boys would steal the ball away from the girls or not include them at all. There were a few girls who kept up with the boys, but the boys learned really quick that Teacher Rhi –hanna involves everyone. Many of the kids remember my name now, but my name to them is not Rhiannon, it is “ Rhi-hanna” , I tried to correct them at first but then I was so excited that they remembered my name out of everyone’s I just stopped caring.
I had another culture shock on Monday, to the point where I just stood there and thought I was going to cry. We had two games going and there was a group of older boys who ran in between both games and then started to wresting in the middle and before we could break them off the teacher for the class went running up and within two seconds his belt was off he wiped it around and tried to strike the kids twice. I was so thankful that those boys could run. Then I realized why so many of the kids flinch if we go to try and move them to the right place or we yell a little bit louder than usual. The whole situation just chilled me to the bones.
I really find here in South Africa there are a few different cultures. Now this may sound raciest but if you travel here since the parti the South Africans still call people by the colour of their skin. So there are the Blacks who most live in the townships, there are the African blacks, coloured people & the whites. So to say I know all about the cultures down here its just a lie. The teachers do care so much for these kids and you can see it in the way they teach and talk to them. Its just not the same as home. That is the reminder I keep telling myself. That does not mean its right, I know but… well there is not but I just don’t know what eles to do about the situation.
Now onto week three we are doing circuit training. It is only Harrit & I this week, and it is going to be a challenge. Some classes are like 45 kids and it was hard enough with three teachers and playing soccer. Today we started circuit training, and it seems like whatever we lesson plan for, never really happens properly. Today we had grade 4 & 5’s and there was one class that totally behaved. That was because the teacher was fully into it though, like he always is. He is a teacher who you can tell he is physical fit, well actually he is ripped so the work outs we were doing are probably are daily activities for him. He was helping the kids learning the proper techniques  & helping us out. There was actually a boy who was not listening and he pulled him aside and his penatally was pushups.
At the end of the day though I was so tired and I almost lost my voice again. So it will be interesting to see how this week goes.

My Weekend:
On Friday it was Amy & Pat’s last day, which made me really bummed because I got so close to them in the two weeks with living with them. But we planned a fun send off. So Amy, Pay, Cindy, Cherly & I went for a sun set cruse on a beautiful boat. ( Earlier in the week we tried to go but the weather was bad. But we ending up meeting the captain of the boat, he was wasted out of his mind at the bar, and then we found out that he was not the driver his son was. But the drukin’ captain decided he wanted to join the 5 of us for our dinner and just talk about himself the whole time. It was weird at the time but a good story now.) We took off at 6pm and it was the perfect time. We ordered a bottle of champignon and the African sky’s are just so breathe taking its hard to describe how amazing it was. After the cruse there was a good bye dinner , where they play a very nice photo slide show and it was very touching. When dinner was done and we got back to the dorms I knew it was the point of the night I was dreading. It was time to say goodbye ( because Amy & Pat were leaving at 3:30 am to the airport) it was sad but it was a good send off.

On Saturday It was the safari which was amazing! It was only on a game reserve but were Gordon’s bay is you would not see many of these animals you would want to see while being in Africa. We saw almost all the big 5, so we saw Water Buffalo (which is the most dangerous for kills of humans out of the big 5), elephant, rhino, lion. We also saw zebra’s, spring bok, a bunch of antelope, turtles, and a few more animals. The best part of the whole trip was we got to see the two elephants have a mud bath, the tour guide talked about how rare of a sighting we saw because it was not a really hot day. I caught the whole thing on video and it was just amazing. After watching them play around in the mud for about ten minutes we then moved on but at one point our tour guide stopped the truck and we all turned to where the elephants were playing in the  mud and one got up and started walking towards the other safari truck who was also watching the elephants. Then we realized it was not walking but charging at the truck. Luckily the other tour guy just got to start the truck in time to drive it a few feet further. Our driver said it was lucky no one was hurt or killed by that charge. Then we got to back to the safari. I was so excited to see the lions, we got to see the alfa male lion, then we went to were the new cubs were held so they were not killed by the other lions but their sent was in where they live. They cubs were so cute. Next was the rhino, the tour guide did warn us about the male rhino and how he is a bit of a brat. We learned out quick when we turned off the engine it was like he knew, all the sudden he charged the front of the truck, Denis ( our tour guide) must have known because all the sudden we were in reverse and going so fast, then the rhino backed off. I felt like I had a little heart attack, it was a rush for sure.
After the tour we saw that the elephants were open to go see in a holding pen, and of course the stupid tourist I am I went over. We were able to get pictures with them which was so cool until one went and smacked cherly so hard! Then it just kept hitting her with his trunk. He calmed down enough to get a few pictures then Harrit went to go get a picture, she put her bag down and before we could say anything the elephant picked up her bag and put it in his mouth. He continued to try and eat it for a good minute, at the same time one of the tour guides was hitting his trunk to make it give it back. Finally at one point he brought it out enough that he pulled it out. Harrit got her very broken bag back, luckily the only thing that was ruined was a water bottle.
All in all it was an amazing day. Later on in the night when we got back home a few of us watched a movie. We watched Dirty Dancing, it was the first time I have seen it and it was an amazing movie. Made me think about all the great 70 & 80’s movies.

Sunday we went wine tasting, and I can officially say, I really don’t like wine. But it was a great time. We went and got lunch and it was so great, like the best food I have had in so long.

That is all for now,
Love & Rocket ships

1 comment:

  1. Darn! I tried to post but it didn't! So exciting Rhi-Hanna! Heehee! Yes, culture differences are hard! Life's pretty darn good in our little corner of the world.
